Today we’re sharing a story from New York class participant, Kristina! Kristina started her BollyX journey with us more than a year ago and is an avid weekly participant. Classes just wouldn’t be the same without her. Read more about what body empowerment means to her!

Kristina JajallaFor as long as I can remember, I’ve always been an individual that struggled with weight issues and being comfortable in my own skin. Insecurities always had the best of me. Internally, I always felt under pressure to look like smaller, thinner women I saw around me. Despite the past few years of working very hard to change my lifestyle, working with trainers, taking lots of fitness (BollyX!) classes, and ultimately losing 80 pounds, I realized that I’d still never be a size 4… but I’m okay with that. That no longer mattered to me.

What matters now isn’t trying to look like someone else, but living an active, healthy lifestyle. It makes me happy! By setting goals for myself and staying motivated, I gained the confidence I’ve always wanted to be comfortable in my own skin. This is what body empowerment means to me. You do you, and do not worry about anyone else around you. What matters at the end of the day is your own happiness, and what makes you feel good.Kristina Jajalla

Attending BollyX classes for more than a year now has contributed a great deal to my happiness and feeling good. It takes me away from the daily stress of work/life and helps me cope. And more importantly, it’s fun! It challenges me, but gives me energy. The best moments in class are when I challenge myself with specific movements to increase the difficulty. I put it into perspective and realize that I’m so much stronger than I was a year ago!

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