BollyX Water Bottle

Even though the weather is chilly outside, it doesn’t lessen your need for water. You might not feel as thirsty as you do on a hot day, but your body still needs water to function. Most people do not drink enough water. Instead, they drink coffee or soda. Since your body is ~65% water and each cell requires water to function properly, even being mildly dehydrated will affect your body’s ability to function optimally (i.e. metabolism slows, energy wanes)

Reasons why you NEED to drink 9-13 cups a day (more if you train over 1 hour a day, teach multiple classes, sweat a lot, or are working in a hot environment):

  • It boosts metabolism – not sure about you, but my metabolism needs all the help it can get. Drinking water is so much easier than doing intervals.
  • It flushes toxins out of your body to prevent illness and flushes sodium to prevent bloating.
  • Even mild dehydration causes you to feel lethargic and fatigued – why not maximize your energy?
  • Your brain is 70-80% water. A dehydrated brain is not able to function properly (memory, creativity, learning capacity, etc. are affected).
  • It can help prevent muscle cramps.
  • It helps transport oxygen so you have strength and endurance for your workouts.
  • It is essential for digestion and bowel functions.
  • You can survive up to 60 days without food, but only 3-5 days without water.
  • Every organ and system in your body (e.g. joints, circulation, muscles) REQUIRE water to function properly and efficiently.
  • It makes you look younger since water nourishes and plumps up skin cells. Dehydration promotes wrinkles. Compare a grape (hydrated) to a raisin (dehydrated). Water is cheaper than those expensive wrinkle-reducing creams.

Tips for staying hydrated:

  • Drink water with each meal (1-2 cups).
  • Keep a reuseable water bottle with you and sip from it regularly while at work and in the gym.
  • Eat fresh fruits and veggies (high water content).
  • Juice, coffee, and soda are liquids and can count towards your daily fluid intake, but water should be your first choice for hydration.

What about energy/vitamin-enhanced beverages?
Water is sugar-free, calorie-free, sodium-free and is the best (and cheapest) source for hydration. Unless you are exercising in extreme heat or for over 1 hour, stick to pure water. Some energy drinks and vitamin enhanced beverages (Gatorade, SoBe) have more sugar than soda. For health reasons, minimize your sugar intake and stick to plain water or unsweetened iced tea. Also, try to minimize calorie-free or low-calorie beverages that are sweetened with artificial sweeteners.

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