Too busy? Sore? Tired? Embarrassed? The excuses (yes – excuses, NOT justifications) people use to skip the gym can go on forever. Instead of finding excuses, why not find a solution? Make your health a priority TODAY.

Excuse: Your life is so busy you barely have time to eat.
Solution: If exercise is important to you, and it should be, then schedule it like you do for all important meetings. The good news: you don’t need a lot of time to fit in an effective workout. Cardio interval training or a continuous total body weight circuit for 15-20 minutes will improve your body composition and boost your metabolism. It’s better than nothing.

Excuse: You are still sore from your last workout.
Solution: Feeling sore is a regular part of exercising. Proper stretching and recovery days are as important as the workout itself. Make sure you cross-train and vary your workouts so you aren’t using the same muscles again and again. If you usually weight train, try some cardio or yoga. If you normally run, try some group fitness cardio and strength classes. It’s important to listen to your body. If you are so sore that just standing or sitting hurts, then another day of rest might be needed. Don’t use this excuse if you’re not really that sore.
Excuse: You’re intimidated by machines, other people, etc.
Solution: Here’s a little secret: no one is watching you. People are too focused on their own workouts to look at others while exercising. Don’t let your fitness level prevent you from visiting the gym. If you are unsure of how to use the machines, ask a personal trainer. Most gyms offer personal training so you can learn how to exercise with proper form and technique. Take a group exercise class, let the instructor know you are new to class and he/she will keep an eye on you to make sure you get a safe and effective workout.

Excuse: You’re too tired (before work, after work, all the time)
Solution: Over time, exercise increases your energy levels. It might be just the thing you need to avoid fatigue. If you know you’ll be exhausted by the end of the day, exercise in the morning or during lunch time. Find a gym buddy to exercise with who will keep you on a regular schedule. You don’t want to be the one who bails on a friend.

Excuse: You can’t find a babysitter for your children.
Solution: If you have children, staying healthy for their sake should be the most important reason to exercise regularly. If your gym offers child care, then this excuse is invalid. If it doesn’t, take turns babysitting with your spouse or a friend while the other exercises. Don’t forget exercising with your kids (if they’re of age) also counts. Doing BollyX with kids in your living room is loads of fun! Try bike riding, ice skating, playing Wii fit, or a sport.

Excuse: You’re not seeing results, so why bother?
Solution: Most people don’t see results because they don’t have a goal or plan established. Write down specific, measurable short and long term goals so you can track your progress daily, weekly and monthly. Make sure that you vary up your workouts so you don’t hit a plateau. Use heavier weights, try new fitness classes, or do cardio intervals. You can’t expect to see results if you don’t put in the time and energy to execute your plan. Consistency is key.

Excuse: You’re late for a class or training session.
Solution: If it’s personal training, go anyway since you’ve already paid for the session. The trainer will just give you a shorter but tougher workout. If you’re late for your favorite class, you could attend the one after it (set a reminder so you’re never late for BollyX!). Take the opportunity to try a new class which could be a fun new challenge.

Excuse: You feel like crap (hungover, bloated, lethargic)
Solution: If you’re really sick, take some time off to recover. However, if you’re not, know that exercise can help increase energy, decrease stress, and improve your general mood. More often than not, people don’t regret that they went to the gym – they always feel better after a workout. Also, make sure you’re eating healthy foods and drinking more than 9 cups of water daily so you don’t feel crappy.

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