Our instructor spotlight this week is on Sarah Grimaud! Sarah is a certified Health Coach and Zumba Instructor teaching BollyX around New York City gyms, including Unicef at the UN.
Q: What Bollywood song best describes you?
A: I absolutely love Sadi Gali. It has such an especially uplifting, positive, happy feel to it- which is like my personality! My friend even made it the ringtone for when I call her!
Q: What is your favorite part of a BollyX class?
A: It’s awesome to see everyone’s unique personalities come out during the performance section at the end and when they strike poses. Everyone brings their own special swag and energy which is cool to see! I also love seeing the incredibly sweat-drenched faces and bodies at the end of class–and the smiles on their faces from feeling good about working hard and having fun!
Check out what classes Sarah’s teaching in New York City here: http://bollyx.com/classes/new-york/