“Love how you [BollyX] have managed to tap into movements that activate all the happiness receptors in the brain and really appreciate the very clean and well executed instruction.” -Heidi Azaro, BOD User
Heidi typically likes to try various workout routines available on YouTube. While browsing one day, she came across a suggested BollyX sample video and got curious. She had so much fun working out to the first video, she immediately visited the BollyX website and found three other sample videos to dance to. Once she found the second video was equally as fun, she went ahead and signed up for the BollyX On Demand (BOD) subscription.
Heidi has also managed to get her sister and sister-in-law in joining her workouts. Her extended family members’ interest was peaked with the BOD “Boys vs Girls” workout and challenges were made!
When asked what her favorite features of BOD are, she responded with the following:
“So far, I’m loving the set up and the choice of levels, music and builders. You’ve somehow managed to incorporate joyous fun in them and it has been so motivating and uplifting.”
Heidi hopes one day that there will be live BollyX classes in gyms and studios where she currently resides so she can take those classes and meet others who love Bollywood dance workouts!
Thank you for sharing your excitement and feedback about BollyX on Demand with us, Heidi! While you continue to enjoy the new and improved workouts online, we’ll do our best to get live events and classes going in Cleveland!