
Let’s meet Lisa Levitin Sandvig and hear about how she channels her inner Bollywood swagger with BollyX. Lisa is the Group Exercise Director at the Gold’s Gym Westend in Richmond, VA.

Q: What other classes are you certified to teach other than BOLLYX?
A: I teach Spinning, BODYPUMP, BODYSTEP, Sh’Bam, HIT classes and pilates. I am also an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

Q: What is your favorite part of a BOLLYX class and why?
A: I love following an Eastern track with a Western track using the same choreography. It’s as if the Eastern song is practice, preparing everyone with the technique and movements, and participants really lets loose when they do the same moves to a song they recognize!

Q: Which Bollywood song best describes showcases your personality?
A: “Turn up the Music” and “Go Go Govinda” probably show off my personality the best.

For those of you who can take Lisa’s classes – lucky you! Check out Richmond classes here on the BollyX website: http://bollyx.com/classes/richmond/ 

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